Death is an unavoidable fact. It will happen to everyone.However, some believe that "Kita hanya hidup sekali, jadi kita mesti ENJOY!!!" (quoted from Puteri).
Enjoy? Enjoy life and get what in return? It's ok to enjoy and be happy. But there is a limit too. Clubbing, drinking, one night stands, drugs... The list goes on. Those are "enjoyable activities" that is only a ticket to hell. When doing such activities, one may enjoy it. But that feeling is only temporary. But what comes after that? Regret, guilt, diseases like HIV/AIDS and not forgetting that you have done a sin.
We human beings tend to think short-term. We should invest in long-term enjoyable activities such as going for a horse ride with our families. Subhanallah... We can also go sight-seeing with our families at national parks to look at the beautiful animals and nature and marvel at the wonders of our Creator. And what is life without knowledge? This is our chance to learn. We only live once and time is short. Yet we have too many to learn. Learning gives one satisfaction when one is able to grasp the idea of both theory and practical practices.
And let's not forget to perform our ibadah to Allah for giving us all these nikmat. Iman, Islam and akal is amongst the best nikmat. So use them all wisely. Especially the akal nikmat.
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